1.Shutao Zhang, Hongtao Yang, Minqi Wang, Diego Mantovani, Ke Yang, Frank Witte*, Lili Tan*, Bing Yue*, and Xinhua Qu*, Immunomodulatory biomaterials against bacterial infections: Progress, challenges, and future perspectives, The Innovation, 2023, 4(6): 100503.
2.Ning Wang, Shude Yang, Huixin Shi, Yiping Song, Hui Sun, Qiang Wang∗, Lili Tan∗, Shu Guo∗, Magnesium alloys for orthopedic applications: A review on the mechanisms driving bone healing, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022, 10(12):3327-3353.
3. Wen Zhang#, Xianhao Sheng#, Baoxiang Zhang, Yangmu Fu, Qiang Wang, Ke Yang, Lili Tan*, Qiang Zhang*, A novel design magnesium alloy suture anchor promotes fibrocartilaginous enthesis regeneration in rabbit rotator cuff repair,Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, DOI:10.1016/j.jma.2024.08.002.
4. Ming Gao, Ke Yang, Lili Tan*, Zheng Ma*. Improvement of mechanical property and corrosion resistance of Mg-Zn-Nd alloy by bi-direction drawing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021,81:88-96.
5. Nan Zhang1, Weidan Wang1, Xiuzhi Zhang, Krishna. C. Nune, Ying Zhao, Na Liu, R., D.K. Misra, Ke Yang,***, Lili Tan,**, Jinglong Yan,* The effect of different coatings on bone response and degradation behavior of porous magnesium-strontium devices in segmental defect regeneration, Bioactive materials, 2021,6, 1765-1776.
6. 可降解金属,2016年11月出版,科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-050394-7,第1章,第6章,第13章,第14章。
7. Corrosion prevention of magnesium alloys, Edited by G-L Song, General Motors R&D Center, USA and University of Queensland, Australia, 2013, Woodhead Publishing Limited., ISBN-13: 978 0 85709 437 7, chapter 19.
获得中科院青促会优秀会员、沈阳市领军人才称号;获得辽宁省科技进步一等奖、辽宁省医学科技奖二等奖;任中国生物材料学会医用金属材料分会常务委员等。The innovation期刊创始人之一,担任Journal of Magnesium Alloy, Materials, Smart Materials in Manufacturing (SMMF) , Materials technology: Advanced performance material等期刊编委或青年编委。