1.HY Shen, GH Zhang, J Zhang*, L Wang, JY Wang: “Comprehensive Investigation on CMAS and Steam Corrosion Resistance of Quaternary Rare Earth Oxide Co-doped Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coating Material” Corros. Sci., 244, 112631, 2025.
2.GH Zhang, JY Shi, J Zhang*, JY Wang: “Investigation on crystallization behavior between (SCxYb1-x)O1.5 and CMAS: A new insight in the effect of Sc substitution” J. Adv. Ceram., 13, 789-799, 2024.
3.HY Shen, YM Lei, XR Lv, YX Luo, JL Li, LC Sun, L Wang, J Zhang*, JY Wang: “Effect of Gd doping on phase evolution, mechanical and thermal characteristics of 1La-xGd-2Yb-3.5YSZ solid solutions” Ceram Int., 50, 2987-2994, 2024.
4.HY Wang, ZX Luo, LC Sun, J Zhang*, JY Wang: “Comprehensive microstructural characterization and CMAS infiltration resistance of ytterbium disilicate coatings with lamellar and quasi-columnar structures” Corros. Sci., 221, 111316, 2023.
5.XR Lv, YX Luo, JP Cui*, J Zhang*, L Zhang, JY Wang: “Atomic structural visualization on γ-Ho2Si2O7 using iDPC-STEM technique and its correlation with thermal expansion as advanced environmental barrier coating” Mater. Today Phys., 30, 100961, 2023.
6.GH Zhang, J Zhang*, JY Wang: “Synthesis and characterization of ytterbium oxide: A novel CMAS-resistant environmental barrier coating material” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 106, 621-631, 2023.
7.HY Wang, J Zhang*, LC Sun, JY Wang: “Microstructure and phase composition evolution of dual-phase ytterbium silicate coatings plasma sprayed from stoichiometric Yb2Si2O7 feedstock powder” Surf. Coat. Technol., 437, 123373, 2022.
8.XR Lv, MK Yue, X Feng, XY Li, YM Wang, JM Wang, J Zhang*, JY Wang*: “Rare earth monosilicates as oxidation resistant interphase for SiCf/SiC CMC: Investigation of SiCf/Yb2SiO5 model composites” J. Adv. Ceram., 11, 702-711, 2022.
9.LN Chen, YM Lei, J Zhang*, JY Wang: “Synthesis and characterization of ZrCx coatings with different stoichiometry” Vacuum, 202, 111211, 2022.
10.XR Lv, JP Cui, J Zhang*, JY Wang*: “Phase composition and property evolution of (Yb1-xHox)2Si2O7 solid solution as environmental/thermal barrier coating candidates” J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 42, 4377-4387, 2022.
获得美国陶瓷学会全球大使奖、美国陶瓷学会全球之星奖、美国陶瓷学会工程陶瓷部Jubilee Global Diversity Award等荣誉。入选美国陶瓷学会会士(ACerS Fellow),沈阳市高层次人才、沈阳市中青年科技创新人才。