1. J.B. Tan, X.Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, X.Q. Liu, F.J. Meng, X.L. Xu. Corrosion fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 steam generator tube in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 89 (2014) 203-213
2. J.B. Tan, X.Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, X.Q. Liu, F.J. Meng, X.L. Xu. The role of TiN inclusions in fatigue behavior for Alloy 690 steam generator tube in borated and lithiated high temperature water. Corrosion Science, 88 (2014) 349-359
3. J.B. Tan, X.Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, X.Q. Liu, X.L. Xu, H.T. Sun. The effect of dissolved oxygen on fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 steam generator tubes in borated and lithiated high temperature water. Corrosion Science, 102 (2016) 394-404
4. J.B. Tan, X.Q. Liu, X.L. Xu, E.-H. Han*, X.Q. Wu, X. Wang. Environmentally assisted fatigue evaluation model of Alloy 690 steam generator tube in high temperature water. Corrosion, 72(2016) 655-664
5. J.B. Tan, X.Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, W. Ke, X. Wang, H.T. Sun. Strain-rate dependent fatigue behavior of 316LN stainless steel in high-temperature water. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 489(2017) 33-41
6. J.B. Tan, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Zheng, X. Wang, J. Gao, X.Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, S.L. Yang, P.T. Huang. Corrosion fatigue model of austenitic stainless steels used in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Journal of Nuclear Materials 541 (2020) 152407
7. J. Gao, Z.Y. Zhang, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu, E.-H. Han, W. Ke. Environmentally assisted fatigue behavior of 308L weld metal in borated and lithiated high-temperature water. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 539 (2020) 152365
8. F.Q. Ning, X. Wang, Y. Yang, J.B. Tan*, Z.Y. Zhang, D. Jia, X.Q. Wu, E.-H. Han. Uniform corrosion behavior of FeCrAl alloys in borated and lithiated high temperature water. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 70 (2021) 136-144
9. 谭季波,王翔,吴欣强*,韩恩厚,316LN不锈钢管状试样高温高压水的腐蚀疲劳行为,金属学报,57(2021)309-316
10. J. Gao, C. Liu, J.B. Tan*, Z.Y. Zhang, X.Q. Wu, E.-H. Han, R.Shen, B.X. Wang, W. Ke. Environmental fatigue correction factor model for domestic nuclear grade low-alloy steel, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53 (2021) 2600-2609
11. Z. G. Zhu, Q. Zhang, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu, H.B. Ma, Z.Y. Zhang, Q.S. Ren, E.-H. Han, X. Wang, Corrosion behavior of T91 steel in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 550 oC: Effects of exposure time and dissolved oxygen concentration, Corrosion Science 204 (2022) 110405
12. Z. G. Zhu, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, E.-H. Han, X. Wang, Corrosion behaviors of FeCrAl alloys exposed to oxygen-saturated static lead bismuth eutectic at 550oC, Corrosion Science 209 (2022) 110767
13. B.Q. Xue, J.B. Tan*, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang, X.Q. Wu, E.-H. Han, W. Ke. Effect of temperature on low cycle fatigue behavior of T91 steel in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic environment at 150–550 oC, International Journal of Fatigue 167 (2023) 107344
14. J.H. Ding, J.B. Tan*, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang, X.Q. Wu, E.-H. Han, W. Ke. Low cycle fatigue behavior of 316LN stainless steel hollow specimen in air and liquid lead–bismuth eutectic, International Journal of Fatigue 175 (2023) 107812
15. Z. G. Zhu, J.B. Tan*, Z.Y. Zhang, X.Q. Wu, J. Li, X. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke. Corrosion behaviors of ODS-FeCrAl in oxygen-saturated lead-bismuth eutectic at 550◦C: Effects of grain boundaries and minor elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 587 (2023) 154710英才项目
16. W. Wang, Z.G. Zhu, L.J. Yang, J.T. Lu, J.Y. Huang, J.B. Tan*, W.J. Kuang*, Superior corrosion resistance of a slurry FeAl coating on 316LN stainless steel in 550 ℃ liquid lead-bismuth eutectic, Corrosion Science, 227(2024) 111757
17. Y.F. Qiao, H. Zheng, J.B. Tan*, S.L. Yang, Z.Y. Zhang, J. Li, X.Q. Wu, W. Ke, Effect of thermal aging on the low cycle fatigue behavior of Z3CN20.09M stainless steel in high-temperature pressurized water, Corrosion Science 229 (2024) 111869
18. B.Q. Xue, W. Wang, J.B. Tan*, W.J. Kuang*, X.Q. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang, W. Ke. Insights into the fatigue damage mechanism of T91 steel in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 150–550℃, Corrosion Science 232 (2024) 112007英才项目
19. B.Q. Xue, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang. A novel monitoring system for fatigue crack length of compact tensile specimen in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 56 (2024) 1887-1894
20. B.Q. Xue, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu*, Z.Y. Zhang, W.J. Kuang, Q.Q. Jin, X. Wang, E.-H. Han, W. Ke. Insights into fatigue crack propagation mechanism of T91 steel in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 150–450 ◦C, Corrosion Science 236 (2024) 112264
21. G.J. Zhu, J.B. Tan*, Z.Q. Xing, J.Y. Pang, X.Q. Wu, H.W. Zhang*, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang. Effect of Ti addition on corrosion behaviors of Fe-Ni-Cr-Al high entropy alloys exposed to static lead-bismuth eutectic at 550 ℃, Corrosion Science 236 (2024) 112286
22. B.Q. Xue, J.B. Tan*, X.Q. Wu, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Wang, W. Ke. Strain-rate dependent fatigue behavior of T91 steel at 550 °C of liquid lead-bismuth eutectic, Corrosion Science 240 (2024) 112433
23. W. Wang, L.J Yang, H.C. Qian, Z.G. Zhu, G. J. Zhu, L.J. Yang, J.B. Tan*, J.Y. Huang, J.T. Lu*, W.J. Kuang*. Enhancing corrosion resistance of T91 FM steel in liquid lead-bismuth (LBE) by slurry FeAl coating. Journal of Nuclear Materials 603 (2025) 155458
24. Yufei Qiao, Hui Li, Jibo Tan *, Daoping Liu, Ziyu Zhang, Xinqiang Wu, Wei Ke, Insights into dissolved oxygen dependent crack initiation mechanism of 316LN stainless steel fatigue tested in high-temperature pressurized water. Corrosion Science 244 (2025) 112662
1, 中国标准创新贡献二等奖,2020,排名3/10
2, 中国科学院科技促进发展奖,2018,排名6/10
3, 中国核能行业协会科学技术发明一等奖,2016,排名6/6
4, 中国材料研究学会科技进步一等奖,2023,排名10/12
5, 快堆产业技术创新战略联盟颁发的“凤凰奖”之“创新突破奖”,2024
6, 获辽宁省优秀青年基金、中科院青促会、中核集团菁英人才、师昌绪青年科技人才基金资助